
Four men can dig a piece of land in 8hours. How many more men will be needed to complete the work in 2hours

Four men can dig a piece of land in 8hours. How many more men will be needed to complete the work in 2hours


3 Answers

22 Points
2 years ago
Four men can dig a piece of land in 8hours. How many more men will be needed to complete the work in 2hours
22 Points
2 years ago
Four men can dig a piece of land in 8hours. How many more men will be needed to complete the work in 2hours
Mahidhar 5
28 Points
2 years ago
Four men can dig the land in 8 hours
Then we need 7 men to complete the work.
more men less time so add 3 men which means 6hrs
so 7 men will complete the work in 2hrs

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